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Let’s Understand what is Blood Pressure and Hypertension.
High Blood pressure or Hypertension as it is medically called is when the pressure of the blood in your arteries is persistently high. This long term condition is often either detected by chance or after it has persisted for a prolonged period of time.
A persistent high pressure over 140/90 mm of hg is labeled as high blood pressure or hypertension.
Hypertension is often called a silent killer since does not necessarily cause any symptoms in itself. This condition is a major risk factors for premature deaths worldwide since it predisposes an individual to conditions like stroke, coronary artery disease, heart failure or arrest, a trial fibrillation, vision loss, chronic kidney disease etc to name a few.
Faulty lifestyle and habits like excessive salt intake, lack of physical exercise, lack of sleep, obesity, diet rich in fats, alcohol consumption and smoking are known to cause hypertension. Certain underlying conditions like kidney disease, endocrine disorder and use if birth control pills can also make a person hypertensive.
Blood Pressure Medications
In case of hypertension your doctor will advise lifestyle and diet changes to start with and may eventually start you on anti-hypertensive or commonly called Blood Pressure medications.
Compliance with the ice of your doctor, regular medication and lifestyle changes is observed to increase the life expectancy in a person with high blood pressure.
What to do if you missed your blood pressure medication?

Blood pressure medications should be taken without fail, regularly and preferably at the same time each day to prevent any mishaps.
If ever due to some unfortunate or unavoidable circumstance the medication is missed, do not panic. Here is what you should do
- Do not panic.
- Measure and monitor your blood pressure.
- Keep an eye out for any symptoms of increased blood pressure.
- Take the missed dose at earliest. As soon as you remember the missed dose, do take the medication immediately.
- Always ensure you are well hydrated.
- Consuming citric fruits and lemons along with decreased intake of salt are known as the natural remedies to moderate your raised blood pressure levels.
- In case it is time for the next dose of the blood pressure medication, note the time and date of the missed medication and take the next dose at it’s scheduled time. Do not under any circumstance double dose your medicines.
- Discuss such a scenario with your doctor when starting treatment. And inform about such an incident after it took place.
It is advised and always best to discuss all your health concerns and requirements with your doctor to ensure that your body and its functions are at its optimum state of health.