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As far as removable braces for children are concerned there is a wide range of options readily available. The range of appliances includes upper removable appliances or URA. And functional appliances for the twin block or teeth for both upper and lower jaws. The version of appliances works in a specific manner. By correcting the positioning of the jaw as well as correcting the alignment of the teeth. What is the ideal age of getting functional braces for children? This is a frequently asked question for dentists and orthodontists all over the world. According to a leading orthodontic expert based in London as far as boys are concerned the ideal age. To get functional braces is within the range of 12 and 14 years whereas for girls it is 11 to 13. In certain cases though interceptive treatment starts and functional braces are fitted to children as young as 7 to 9 years of age.

Interceptive treatment and the benefits it offers

As mentioned above, it is possible to provide interceptive treatment to children as young as 7 to 9 years of age. At this stage of life their mouths keep growing fast; by identifying and addressing the problems. During the early stages of development and before attaining maturity proves helpful avoiding the need of any lengthy and complicated treatment. Moreover early identification and intervention also helps avoiding teeth extraction as a child enters into his or her teens. Usually interceptive treatments last for nearly a year but technically speaking it may actually take as little as 8 months. One of the best things about interceptive treatment is enables proper guidance for development of the teeth and the jaws of a child. In addition to that the use of functional appliance brace also allows thorough monitoring of the entire situation. And as such more complicated and lengthier orthodontic procedures can easily be avoided in the later stages of life. The basic of interceptive orthodontic treatments is quite simple. It is based on intercepting a problem early before it actually starts having impacts.

What interceptive treatment can do for you?

Interceptive treatment proves helpful in more ways than one including the following –

  • Facilitates proper growth of the jaws
  • Enhances facial symmetry to a significant extent
  • As new adult teeth come through it makes room to accommodate those teeth
  • Moreover, it also makes space in the mouth for the teeth that are yet to emerge
  • It delivers results faster compared to orthodontic treatments performed during later stages of life
  • It either reduces or completely removes the necessity of teeth extraction
  • Most importantly the treatment reduces the risk of trauma to emerging teeth
  • In addition to all the facts mentioned above it also proves helpful correcting a number of harmful oral habits including grinding of the teeth

What are the symptoms that show up when a child needs interceptive treatment?

How would you know that your child may require interceptive treatment? This is a common concern for a large number of parents. And thankfully there are few signs and symptoms that show up when the need arises. According to an expert who possesses years of experience in handling cases of functional orthodontic treatment.

These signs and symptoms include the following –

  • Cross bite problem on the teeth at the front (the teeth at the top are actually inside the teeth at the bottom)
  • Cross bite problem on the teeth at the back
  • Overcrowded teeth
  • Open bite problem (when the back teeth are closed the teeth at the front do not meet)
  • Protruded teeth (or the teeth at the front stick out)
  • Over bite problem (the teeth at the top come down far over the teeth in the lower row)
  • Under bite (When the teeth at the back of the mouth are closed the lower teeth sit in front of the upper teeth)
  • Gaps although gaps in baby teeth are quite common and this issue does not always indicate a problem in the course of future
  • Bad habits like sucking the thumb, any other finger or a pacifier
  • Impediments while speaking
  • Preference of biting into foods from the side of the mouth instead of the front
  • Breathing through the mouth instead of the nasal passage
  • Habitual grinding or clenching the teeth
  • Either early or delayed loss of the milk teeth
  • Difficulties in chewing or biting
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Highly trained and experienced dentists working at the renowned 1A orthodontics in London are skilled to detect subtle symptoms related to growth of the jaws and the emerging teeth in a patient even while the baby teeth are still there in place and can recommend suitable interceptive treatments to get rid of the problems even before those start making problems.

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Even if the teeth are straight there could be issues related to the jaw in this type of cases, warns a dentist who possesses years of experience in handling patients with removable functional braces. So, in case you have any concern it is better to consult a dentist without any delay. If the right treatment is provided early even the most acute issues can be intercepted and resolved once and for all. Early interception also makes the treatment procedure much shorter and much less complicated than that in the grown up years. As a matter of fact effective results from the treatment may not be achieved once a child grows up enough for his or her face to stop growing.

Proper care tips for functional braces

Here are a few tried and tested tips to take proper care of functional braces. The range of braces is quite delicate and thus gets damaged easily.

  • Even though this range of braces is easily removable your child should keep wearing it as much time as possible.
  • Your child must develop the habit of maintaining sound oral hygiene to avoid harmful bacteria build-ups in the braces.
  • Teach your child to remove the braces and brush the teeth normally twice daily using a soft bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. It is even better to brush the teeth at night before going to bed.
  • They should avoid foods and drinks that may stick to the appliances or create any other problem. It is best to avoid any kind of sugary foods and drinks as well as hard and sticky foods.

Cost of functional braces

As far the cost of functional braces in the UK is concerned it varies from case to case depending on several factors. The standard price ranges from £1,000 to £2,000 and the factors that determine the exact cost include the type of braces your child needs, the level of complexity involved, qualifications and experience of a dentist or orthodontist at 1A Orthodontics in London, the location of a dental practice you take your child to and other such factors.
